Wet Tags
Wet Tags
Wet Tags are small low-cost loggers, which operate automatically to record and offload the following type of data:
Soak Time
Tamper Event
Pot ID
Fisher ID
Wet Tags are available in a range of physical shapes and can be supplied with custom specifications to suit your application.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

How Wet Tags work
Wet Tags are fully automatic so valuable data can be collected without interfering with the fishing operation.
Wet Tags detect when they enter the water, and then start recording depth and temperature.
Wet Tags are available with either Bluetooth offload or Zebra-Tech Deck Logger offload.
Bluetooth Wet Tags can be offloaded using the Zebra-Tech app, available freely for both Android and IOS mobile devices. The app features an automatic offload mode; Wet Tags are automatically detected and offloaded onto the mobile device together with the offload position, without any user input.
Alternatively, ZebraTech Deck Loggers can be used to offload Wet Tags, and additionally process the data together with manually entered data.
Please contact us to discuss how Wet Tags can work for you.