ZebraTech has produced a wide range of specialised products over the years

Wet Tags
Wet Tags are fully automatic so valuable data can be collected without interfering with the fishing operation.
Wet Tags detect when they enter the water, and then start recording depth and temperature.
Wet Tags can be offloaded using the Zebra-Tech app, available freely for both Android and IOS mobile devices. Alternatively, ZebraTech Deck Loggers can be used to offload Wet Tags, and additionally process the data together with other manually entered data.
Please contact us to discuss how Wet Tags can work for you.
SEA Ring
The SEA Ring array is robust and easy to use. It features integrated physiochemical and passive sampling capabilities, so avoids the need to collect, transport and re-create environmental conditions in the lab thereby reducing the risk of denaturing sediment samples.
SEA Ring’s rugged, durable design features an easy-to-use organism delivery device and reliable water circulation system. Battery powered; the autonomous device can operate for extended deployments unattended.
Please contact us to discuss how a SEA Ring can work for you.

UltraSeep - Seep Sampling
The UltraSeep system is an integrated autonomous underwater seepage meter and water sampling system, for quantifying discharge rates and chemical loading from groundwater flow to coastal waters.
Direct time series in-situ measurements of advective flux and contaminant concentration at a particular location are recorded by the Ultraseep system.
This allows an accurate determination of the presence or absence of underwater groundwater flow and associated contaminant flux.
Please contact us to discuss how UltraSeep can work for you.
Trident Probe - Seep Detection
The Trident Probe system provides a rapid method for undertaking underwater groundwater seep detection and sampling field surveys.
The direct push probes enable simultaneous underwater groundwater detection, and pore water sampling, to a variety of depths.
ZebraTech works closely with Coastal Monitoring Associates, who are leading specialists in underwater groundwater seep detection and sampling field surveys and analysis.
Please contact us to discuss how the Trident Probe can work for you.

Diver Caliper
The world’s only underwater self-logging dive caliper. Simple to use and accurate. Measure & record in diverse marine & freshwater environments.
Dive Calipers log the caliper jaw measurement, time and date and optionally the depth, at the push of a button.
Digital Measuring Board
Tough, reliable and accurate. The Digital Measuring Board has been designed to operate in small open fishing boats and harsh environments.
Data is accurately & reliably captured with a range of measuring modes. Ideal for shellfish and smaller fish species.